Easy Way S to Burp on Commannd

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Got gas? Do you feel bloated and need relief? Some people find burping to be an effective way to reduce gas discomfort, especially when it is centered in the stomach. Whether on command or triggered by other methods, burping can bring you a reprieve and combine with other remedies to make you feel more like your old self again.

  1. 1

    Feel relief by sipping on chamomile tea. Chamomile has been shown to help with gastrointestinal issues, so it might be worth a shot if you're gassy. Boil a cup of water and steep your chamomile tea in it for about 5 minutes. As you sip your tea, it may feel easier to belch.[1]

  2. 2

    Drink a fennel, cumin, and coriander seed tea. Fennel, cumin, and coriander seeds all have been shown to help with indigestion. Mix equal parts of fennel, cumin, and coriander seeds together so they're thoroughly combined. Steep 1 teaspoon (2 g) of the seeds in a mug of hot water and slowly sip it to help relieve your gas.[2]


  3. 3

    Drink a carbonated beverage. Soda, beer, sparkling water, champagne, or other carbonated beverages contain gases. This is what makes them bubbly. If you drink this sort of beverage, then, the gases will build up in your stomach and more than likely trigger a burp, which might help to relieve your abdominal discomfort. Try it!

    • Don't just drink the beverage – chug it. Drinking quickly will make you swallow even more air, increasing the probability of a big belch. Drinking through a straw does the same.
    • For even more effect, try to drink your soda rapidly through a straw.
    • Another trick is to drink water from the opposite side of the glass. To do this, hold a glass of water and fold your body in half, as if you're stooping over a water fountain. Place your mouth on the opposite side of the cup and slowly tilt the water into your mouth. Take small sips, swallow, and then stand up straight.
  4. 4

    Eat airy foods. As with airy drinks, so with airy foods. Have you ever wondered why eating an apple often ends with an enormous belch? This is mostly because apples contain a good deal of air, which is released when you chew and start to digest them. Why else would people "bob for apples"? Try this to make yourself burp.

    • Apples certainly aren't the only food to contain air. Try other fruit like pears and peaches, or a souffle.
  5. 5

    Force the air out by changing positions. If bloating is making you uncomfortable, changing positions can put pressure on the air inside of you and force it upward. Stand up if you are sitting down or sit down if you are standing.

    • Try exercise to force a burp. Walking, jogging, or light aerobics may jostle the gas out of your stomach. For example, you might walk around and jump short distances up and down, on the balls of your feet.
    • Alternately, lie on your stomach and then curl your knees toward your chest. Stretch your arms forward as far as they will go and arch your back. Repeat as needed, keeping your throat and head level.
    • Lying down and quickly sitting up is another option.
  6. 6

    Take antacids. Some types of antacid create excess gas, which will increase your urge to burp. Others, however, containing the drug simethicone, break up the gas bubbles in the stomach and eliminate the need to burp.[3] Either way, you should resolve your discomfort by taking an antacid.

    • Antacids will also help to control acid reflux or "heartburn," which is a common cause of abdominal discomfort and belching.
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    Try an activated charcoal supplement. Look for an activated charcoal supplement at your local drugstore and take one when you're feeling bloated. The pores in the activated charcoal helps absorb and break apart gas so it's easier for you to burp.[4]

    • Activated charcoal is not regulated by the FDA.
    • Activated charcoal could temporarily discolor your tongue, cause black stool, or make you constipated.
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    Trigger your gag reflex. Triggering your gag reflex should be a last resort, as it causes an unpleasant sensation and possibly vomiting, you can try to trigger your gag reflex. If nothing else works, however, consider getting rid of your gassy discomfort by forcing a burp this way.

    • Most people have gag sensitivity. In order to trigger yours, touch the soft palate at the back of your mouth with a clean finger or toothbrush.
    • The aim here is to make you burp, not vomit. Be light on the touch and only engage the reflex enough to release the air in your stomach.
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  1. 1

    Sit up straight. This position will maximize your lung capacity.

    • Relax your lungs. Then, exhale in a normal breathing pattern, until your lungs feel neither full nor empty.
  2. 2

    Force air into your throat. Expand your throat and jaws and then suck air in your mouth. Pull until you feel an air bubble enter your throat. When you have done this, block the front of your mouth with your tongue.

    • To do this, take your tongue and touch it to the top of your mouth.
    • Forcing air into your throat can take a little practice. You don't want to inhale so forcefully that you swallow the air, otherwise you will feel more bloated. Try to keep it in your throat.
    • Release the air slowly by lowering your tongue and parting your lips, letting it escape.
  3. 3

    Try to exhale with your throat closed. This is another way to force a burp that some people find easier. Close the airway at the back of your throat, but push out as though you were exhaling. This can put enough extra pressure on your stomach to push an air pocket up your esophagus.

  4. 4

    Swallow air. If the above technique is unsuccessful, try repeating the first steps but swallowing the air in your throat. First, exhale as much air as you can to empty your lungs. Take a deep breath and hold it as long as you can. Exhale, inhale another deep breath, and try to swallow the air.

    • This may not come naturally. One way trick that might work is to drink a glass of water while holding your breath. Pinch your nose, too, to ensure that you do not exhale any of the air.
  5. 5

    Burp the air out. Once you have swallowed enough air, you should feel more pressure building up in your abdomen and esophagus. Open your mouth and allow a resounding belch to escape.

    • Tighten your abdominal muscles when you feel the burp rising. This should maximize both its force and volume.
    • Practice your burp on demand. Over time, the procedure will become easier and less uncomfortable.
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  1. 1

    Watch your diet. Gas is commonly produced by the digestion of food, and some foods are worse than others. Beans, onions, cabbage, and other cruciferous vegetables, and whole grains are all notorious for producing gas. Avoid these foods or eat them with digestive aids if you are having issues with chronic bloating.[5]

    • Cut foods that have simple sugars and carbohydrates as well.
    • Other foods that cause gas include fibrous fruits like apples, peaches, raisins, and apricots, vegetables like garlic, cucumbers, brussel sprouts, and legumes. Foods that don't tend to produce gas include meat, fish, eggs, poultry, and carbohydrates like rice.[6]
    • Eat probiotic yogurt. Yogurts with active bacterial cultures can ease digestion and reduce the amount of gas you produce. Taking a digestive enzyme like Beano can work similar results.
    • Eat smaller bites or portion sizes, and avoid sucking on hard candies, drinking through straws, or chewing gum. These activities all lead you to swallow air and will increase bloating.[7]
  2. 2

    Drink plenty of water. Water and other non-carbonated drinks can help to reduce gas and bloating, flushing out the system.[8] Many people find that warm water particularly relieves their symptoms.

    • Drink slowly to avoid swallowing more air. Also, make sure that your choice of beverage is non-carbonated. Otherwise, you may end up more bloated.
  3. 3

    Take herbal remedies. There are many home remedies that purport to relieve gas and bloating, called "carminatives." These herbs work by soothing the lining of the digestive system, regulating and coordinating its functions – in other words, helping you to expel gas.

    • Try some of these carminatives to see whether they work for you. For instance, teas made from peppermint, anise, and ginger – all carminatives – are thought to relieve bloating.[9]
    • Foods that contain carminative herbs and spices allspice, clove, juniper, bergamot, sage, thyme, basil, cinnamon, and nutmeg may also relieve symptoms.
    • You can purchase carminatives at natural health stores or many grocery stores.
  4. 4

    Look for other causes. Occasional gas and bloating is natural. However, if you find that your symptoms are persistent, there may be an underlying issue like stress, food intolerances, gastrointestinal disorders, or poorly fitting dentures.[10]

    • Take note of any correlation between your diet and gas. For example, lactose intolerance, the inability to digest milk products, can cause flatulence, bloating, and abdominal cramps.[11]
    • Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, or SIBO, could also cause excess gas or bloating. Try to eliminate whole grains, legumes, soft cheeses, and fiber-rich fruits.
    • Talk to a doctor if you are frequently uncomfortable and cannot determine the cause.
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Article Summary X

To force a burp, try changing positions to help push the air out of you. For example, if you're standing, sit down, or if you're sitting, stand up. Make sure to keep your back straight to maximize your lung capacity. You can also inhale a deep breath, then swallow to get more air in your throat. Keep repeating this to force more air into your stomach until you burp. If that doesn't work, try quickly drinking a carbonated beverage, like soda, sparkling water, or beer, which will help you swallow lots of air. If you're still struggling to burp, try touching the back of your throat to trigger your gag reflex. However, this should be a last resort, since it's uncomfortable and you don't want to risk vomiting. For more tips, including how to avoid foods that make you bloated if you're burping too often, read on!

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Source: https://www.wikihow.com/Force-a-Burp

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